Day Fourteen: The Truth and Reality

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It was a big rain to start my day. After taking out my sister to school, i head back to home and continue my sleep. I had not enough sleep and no yoga class in this morning so i could have sleep time longer than usual. My job not much today but i called today as unproductive day, instead of working on my IELTS, i rather spent my day browsing articles. The good thing is the articles that i read mostly relevant to my search, in different topics so it may sharpen my reading skill.

The first article that i seek is about holistic nutrition and i spent around an hour for any information related. I learn what it takes to be certified, the differences between the certificate as R.H.N. stands for Registered Holistic Nutritionist and the specific institute in Canada, as C.N.P.C.C, Certified Nutritional Practitioner Council of Canada. How to open a practice and license. The job opportunity as this job considered new trends in health sciences, how people who take this degree or certification make money, the future outcomes and the challenges. I took time to view some practitioner and in my opinion after i looked up five different persons, all of them who took this field as their professional career has one thing in common. They have a mission, to be able to cure people by giving an alternative method in less pain such as right amount of food intake, selection of food and nutritional balance. Another interesting to know that they like to writing and post an articles through health magazine, website or blog. Some who have entrepreneurial spirit may selling hand-made organic food while some stick to old business as a diet consultant or health promoting speaker.

I feel i have a side of holistic nutrition since i am into healthy lifestyle, and ever study about nutrition in autodidact, since my body type burning calories faster than other or you can call it Ectomorph body type, lean muscle and overall thin, hard to retain calories and if i skipped one meal, bulk is ruined. The first time i get into it is about five year ago, my friend introduced me to the body building world. We lift together, by given same weight training and similar calories intake, yet my progress lack behind him. I took his advice and start using supplement, in hoping to get a faster result but it only shows little improvement. From this time i try to figure out what make us difference? we had same hour of training, same kind of food intake and also similar college activities. In this point, i did a research from a body building website, and found that not every human body has the same type which require different treatment to achieve maximum result of training.

Knowing the truth, i made total change toward my body, switching from regular exercise (from compound to isolate) to all compound exercise and not more than one hour, right after workout i need to gulp double scoop of gainer. I pay attention to what i eat, i learn more about macro and micro nutrient, and even stress or not enough sleep may distract the hormones which affect muscle gain. I learn so much about nutrition, and the amount of like i feel same with the amount of work out. It was a good time though i miss some university life, which i can spent doing a productive way such as student community or university event. Well everything comes in a cost, at least i learn about nutrition and once i want to buy a product, i could understand the nutrition fact, which is exceptional for some people to know this type of skill.

Now why i am talking about past so much, i will talk about it someday so now let's talk about my findings. After some articles about Holistic Nutrition, i search any information related to Canada and this finding change my mind, to a bit pessimistic about my future there. If in the previous post i am okay with the situation of how foreigner need to have a Canadian working experience nonetheless they are exceptionally intelligent and experienced, today finding is a bit shocking, about the reality people keep talking of Canada as the multicultural, safe, bright future, and kind of positive thought it appear about Canada, it is overrated.

I found the dark side of Canadavisa about reality of living as an immigrant here, and how the Canadian "work" system really is. How some skilled worker leave, 40% in given ten year period are leaving while 15% immediately leave during their first year. How the employer treat new worker as they always stop them before the probation time expires, and the vicious cycle of new worker getting new random job over and over again, how easy to get lay-off especially in high supply job that show less loyalty to worker, how the marketing works wonder to promoting this country to attract skilled worker and businessman but once they were there will confused. In a short word about how thing "work" in Canada, there already a system and in order to keep it running for certain people to be benefit from them, one must be sacrificed. One can be a large portion of skilled immigrant who come and take the lowest income job since there is a small chance to get the right job. I learned that the real intention is to make people want to come here with a big dream, spending their pocket in application and English exam, once they were there no one giving them the right job so they need to take education which take more money, after that getting mediocre job and living under uncertainty by giving money through tax to the government which run this system. I need to have a comparison website about this to understand the truth despise this information has lower down my expectation there. Since this is interesting and important to know, i spent my time doing research on this matter, i will continue with the result tomorrow and yes i still positive about living and working there, by given the truth that it would be not easy but i will not let bad experiences from other affect my hope.

Not to forget, i remembered other country i want to work and live there, New Zealand, but after what i watch from this keyword "New zealand immigrant experience" from google, i found it harsh than Canada. I am not talking about this right now since i know only a little information and i need to dig deeper for the truth. That is what i am doing for today and hope tomorrow will be a productive day for my life.
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