Day Twenty Four: Qualitative Friends

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Today i woke up late again, since i had just slept at 3 am yesterday. If two days ago the reason of why i stay late is because of the limited time of game dungeon, then today excuse is because i had slept two times before. I felt so energized that i don't want to sleep, even it is the time for sleep. I messed up with my body clock and today i planned to sleep early, i manage not to sleep in a day and try to make myself busy as possible, in the next one hour i will have two yoga classes which will make me tired and can go to bed quickly, i aimed for 11 am sleep today so wish me luck.

The day i started without my morning routine and i already skipped that ritual for two weeks if i remembered since, the reason if this is because my life lacks of drive, that can direct me to go where and following that route from the start of the day. I found myself to be not productive again in the last three day therefore, i managed to find an useful activities that i can do, i keep on track with my progression, doing my socialization by talking to my friends in yoga class. Not just that, i also find another useful article for my later studies in Canada, which i still not decided what i want to do because every path seems wonderful and has its own challenge, my body compass resonance greatly about health science related studies and i feel that everyday i getting better to understand myself.

I found the most positive experience that i could get is by talking to a friends, not just my ordinary friend but the one who has the same interest with me, and the best of it i had found in yoga class, where i known some of them has a strong interest in health and physical activity. Other than that, any social experience result in frustration since i have limited energy to deal with shallow conversation or just a chit-chat. I am okay to take my presence apart from my current friend, if we do not produce any constructive and positive conversation.

Meeting new friend is a must, therefore there is a precaution for me to filter of whom i could get along with. I don't want to start and maintaining relationship since quality is essential for my social. I have planned to try church local communities and try to relate myself and if i am lucky enough i could find a good friend which has similarities or differences that could be filled each other weakness from its strength.

In the past two days my interest about finding a better job has depleted greatly, i have less to none willingness to throw my application and the reason i give up so quickly is because all career means pointless toward my personal happiness. I consider myself as different in way of pursuing the happiness to other people. Most person i relate think about building a nice career and have a nice hobbies they can pursuit on with their own career. I am not interested with that way of thinking, i want to be an impact to the society, even i have not get paid or sacrificing much of my times well i don't care. I listen to my heart, which guide me the way of life.

So that sum of my social life currently, and i still have a contact with my friend. Even i don't meet them personally, at least i could message or join their conversation. There is one reason why i hard to gain a new friend beside my individual personality, because i work at home regularly makes me remote from society. I am not blaming with this condition, while i be responsible to what happen in my life, so i found that the way to get a new circle for me is by myself, find any meetup or positive group talk, topic that interest such as health science or yoga, especially we live in high technology world when organizing an event would be easier than before.

Today while i searching the information about Health Science program in Canada University, i found a good way to learn new skill, free of cost and you can learn it everywhere, just need an internet connection and a device., enable me to learn various topic of knowledge i want to learn, health science, nutrition, e-commerce even a language can be learn in that website, the only negative point is the information is general and only provide a limited amount of knowledge but at least i can learn the basic information about nutrition in the course. I will keep with that and write what i learn today since i had to go for now.
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