Day Forty One: On the Low Season

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Day passed by and it's already Thursday again. I spent my day on nothing and I don't know why I become self-absorbed right now, zero mood in creatively thinking about my plan or even make a short term goal, I just not in the mood. My further test will begin in 3 days more where I supposed to cover 45 minutes classes, with the same sequence like last week, just with an addition to inversion and back bending sequences.

I consider to have a group study with my friend, so I can practice my sequence and have a better preparation. Well, I am even not making any sequence right now and what is on my mind about the next test I should find the connection from arm balance to inversion pose. What is on my mind that have the best possibility to link the pose from crane pose is going to tripod headstand but its too advanced for the basic class.

So what we have for arm balance that we could connect to the inversion? As long as I remember because I am too lazy to read on my text book which is on my home, we have crane pose, side plank, and lateral plane (this pose looks like bridge pose just without bend to the knee). This inversion would be leg to the wall, or the real pose, shoulder stand, and headstand.

I would like to give shoulder stand or leg to the wall so the transition from arm balance would be lateral plane as this is the counter pose of that inversion. And the shoulder stand is an easy gateway to do most of back bending pose, wheel pose and so on. That is what I could think right now and the pose might change depending on my improvisation during the test later.

So this is what I will be giving in the next 45 minutes test, hope I could finish it all on time because last time I was 8 minutes late.

Opening > Pranayama > Sun breathing > Surya Namaskar Series > 5 Standing poses > 3 Standing balance poses > 1 Arm Balance poses > ? Inversion pose > ? Back bend pose.

In 5 Standing pose, the best possibility is start by chair pose/ Utkattasana since this is the easiest pose to execute and help to reserve my energy for the next challenging pose, then I begin with W1, W2, Trikonasana, and end it with Parsvakonasana, do the different side then move to standing balance, starting from Tadasana, Tree pose, Padangustasana A, and finish it with Natarajasana, do the relaxation to the feet and do the different leg. Just to be careful on the mirror teaching on what leg should be lifted up.

Now we are move to arm balance, make a sequence to downward facing dog, make it a side plank (because I find it hard making a smooth transition with front lateral to inversion) and after that back to down dog and do the different side, in the end, finish this pose with down dog. Well, after I browse around 1 hour my search was wander to some random stuff and here I declare temporarily, I could not find any suitable transition to inversion.

My next plan is to talk to my friend and lets see if I could find an inspiration. For me it is not possible from any arm balance position given except from crane to tripod headstand. However that pose is not going to appear in basic yoga and the possibility is just you start from down dog and get into child pose. Since child pose is the reset pose, you could start again with all body on the mat then you could play with shoulder stand.

I am going to make the list for the material that I ever collected in one of my game so I will continue to talk about my life later and I will be having a yoga class today on 6 pm, hope I also could talk with my yoga teacher about this.
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