Day Twenty Three: To Whatever Day

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Today I had not enough sleep and resulting of two times taking a long nap. I know this is not good for the body and the purpose is quite silly, there is limited time dungeon in my game that only appear once six weeks. The limitation of duration, last for two days make me consume all the weekend time I have to grind on the game well, at least, I could manage to wake up at 7 and ate half portion of steamed chicken rice before yoga class.

Today I took two yoga class with almost empty stomach and got tired during second class, which is power yoga. The reason that keeps me for yoga is to make my body active and socialize with teacher and friends, two of the reasons are enough to lift my morning mood high. I done talking about my plan to volunteer teaching yoga in Sunday morning, the teacher agreed that in the next month I could be helping him to teach there, so I can apply my yoga theory into practical and real teach situation with his member. I met one lady in my class that also planned to take teacher training in the same batch with me, so it is a bit surprising to know that I am not so alone during the learning later.

I slept only 5 hours today so after yoga class, I went straight to home and get some sleep. After I woke up, I am checking my email and do my work until the evening I am free, there is nothing to do then I took my sister to her English course and also I want to go outside, staying in the room produce less idea compared to coffee shop so I tried one place where is near with my home and a bit disappointed with the internet connection, which cut every five minutes, fortunately, I bring an IELTS handbook and study there for two hours, the time I went back home it was raining, not too much and considering myself a bit tired of staying in a crowded place with two hours totally focused on study, before dinner I take a short nap.

Right now I know I made a mistake by sleep at night, even a nap can prevent myself to fall asleep but what can I do, I could not help it but listen to my body so I will use the remaining time to check something useful on the internet, either is about Canada or yoga, or you know i consider to take a blogging class in local community but the price, of course, break my pocket so much which is 300 CAD. I hope I could find the best price for blogging class, maybe from the local community website or another blogger teacher who voluntarily share his blogging skill. So I think today is enough and see you on my next post.
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