Keep Calm and Stay Balanced

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Everyone will ever feel burnout right after they do the same thing, either its an office work, study, exercise and even playing games. No matter how you love your job, if you do this repetitively, you will felt some sort of frustration and tired, affecting your mental and physical exertion.

Depending on the person, an escape route may differ from the other. Some people find to escape their monotonous lifestyle by giving themselves a quite time, meditation or pondering to the lake. Some may spend a little money for a short trip to area they never visited before, or do a charity work in ignored inhabitants, or having a hiking and camping with their partner. Some works wonder if they just call it a day and sleep, so in my opinion everyone has their own way to deal with routines.

For me, this escape has the equal importance than the routine itself since it has an effect towards our happiness and attitude. A person whom could balance their job with their break are found more productive and happier. A small escape or break bring excitement on social life and work and not just that, we also feel that in our inner mind we love with what we do.

There is no exception for everybody to get the escape, especially for the busy one. There is one small advice that will work for a person who is extremely busy and hard to find one free day is by changing their routine. It is not about quit your job or be absent for one day, you don't need to do that. Just changing what you are usually doing in your routine to something different. If you go to office by your own car, then the next day try to go by bus or train, see a new face and if you are lucky you could get a new friend. Dare yourself to try different restaurant and pick the menu you never try before, if you love cooking then try different kind of food, switch the habit of your sport routine from weight lifting to cross fit or yoga. Just a little change in your routines and you will feel happier.

So why we feel happier once we break some of our routines? Well, we are a human being and not robot. From the beginning we have freedom and always have it. Our inner self is curious and free, no matter how organize you are, you will feel sad and tired which lead to negative behavior and attitude. With a constant routine, which is lacks of curiosity, it will slowly kill our inner self to learn more and find out what is exciting. If a single individual stay in the same habitual circle day by day, one day he will burn out.

Everyone has different approach which i had cover already and how a person could determine how much time needed to spent in order to recover our happiness with escape or break and what kind of escape that produce to the most happiness in our life? The answer is lie within yourself. No one knows yourself better than you. Figure out what makes you happy, what you always think for during working, what you had planned to do, or if you stuck on ideas, then try something different, something you never had in your life, there is a website listing of 100 things to do before die and its a good start to generate some ideas and make your own bucket list. For me, the quiet moment works wonder. Once i felt that i need some escape, i would like to go somewhere alone, much better if there is no one around me so i feel private, turn off any communication devices so i will not disturbed during the time and then i just let my mind wander. It gives myself a quick recharge to the brain and sometimes it solve the problem of what i had stuck for a long time, develop different approach of solution, and bring out new ideas. That is my escape and i can do this anywhere and anytime (after office hour). There is any other way for me to keep balanced still this is the most effective one, and also one time i need to switch this solution to others since you can't apply the same method continuously.

I hope this suggestion could works for you and wish you all the best in your life. Keep motivated and live your life with fill of hope and joy.
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