Career Foresight

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As written in the previous post, the decision between working abroad or settle and find a good job after I finished with two year working here is confusing. Since those two are the important decision which lead my life differently, i should dig deep down the gain and loss between those two. I will cover the comparison based on career advancement, economical gain, individual preferences, culture differences, soft skill to develop, escape from routine options, love life and also what will i sacrifice in from the other sequentially so, enjoy!

I prioritize my career upon all variables since i will spend half of my life thinking about it and working on it. When it comes to my career, i just want to make the best of it, the one that i could work on it with less chance of getting burn out. My basic judgement towards my dream career is realistic, not based on how high income but parallel with my passions and personalities  so i could feel rewarded and motivated to taking part in the culture.

If i could figure out about my career right now currently i am not into it, just want to work so my skill could not have forgotten. My salary is common compared to the different field of job, not much since fresh graduate always treated as prospective worker with zero experience unless you score top on your class or work in certain field that has a big start for example medical and engineering field. My basic income ranging from 500 CAD roughly and this number might biased if you just count it roughly since the purchasing power in this country is also low, so i could make a living but not settling. If i gain more experience, i could give a try to apply on bigger company for higher position as supervisor or even manager still, i that position require at least 3 to 5 years of experience. Since the company i am working right now is not listed in the stock, I have a small career advancement in this company. They just want to keep their worker works in the place that we agreed in the work contract. I might be proactive to suggest myself mutated to other position but i am not really into this company so my work motivation here is low. I try to work on standard, not putting much effort to be better.

 Something i will lose from this company is the comfort that i had been developing among these years. Since I had much free time, i tend to play or search of what i found interesting. Nothing constructive though since the job is basically simple, and if i am not lazy enough, i could open a small e-commerce.

Now lets talking about my new career opportunity. So this company also works in the same field with my current, just different player. I could not write the job specification specifically since i still not decide whether i will stay here or take it. I gave the employee the deadline of my employer by the end of this week so i still have eight more days to consider.

New job always identical with different exposure, different work culture, opportunity to grow on your career and new skill you will get in the process. This stuff always sound sweet in the beginning but I need to think about it carefully. Is this opportunity better than my current job, or worse? I would like to talk about the bright part first to boost up my motivation.

Sure your environment will affect with your life. You will be far away from your native, even from your closest one, friends and families which you can connect to them anytime you want, now you can only see them from the phone, due to time differences, you might find them working while you just preparing your bed time. This is what should i prepare. The first trimester of loneliness from hometown, finding yourself lost in foreign country might be tough as i felt when study abroad for the first time. So this time i can cope up faster than before. Sometimes i prefer to be alone so this is not a big issue for me, and if i put this in a positive way, i could get more friend internationally.

Working culture in my current position is relaxed while some of my friends so hectic and have a less sleep time. I feel lucky enough with my job that does not require me to work overtime in order to end the project on schedule. When i was doing a research about Canadian working culture in bureaucratic, an American said that they value work experience, so the more i work there my income also would be higher. The office culture rarely competitive, everyone has their own tasks, easy to get a new job but also easy to get lay off, that they prefer a short working contract, just use the resource as what they needed. This must be taken seriously for someone who want to apply job later in the country that respect loyalty to the company for example: Japan and China (seniority). The three important point that describe Canadian workers are: communication, teamwork and flexibility. This will be an important value to add in my skills as learning foreign work culture and their business code may unlocking the way to work on specific market.

Is this company offer a new opportunity? Well, by given its size which is much bigger than my previous one, i am positive that means greater career selection and rotation. One thing that i heard from the employer that you could take one more job after i done with the tasks. It means i could have more job outside the market and gain more income or cooperate with this company by creating my own job complementary which support and integrate with company business. In my viewpoint, they still lacks of e-commerce, they do not work on retail, and the product variation only limited to one country while i know my friend that has been working in Thailand, so i just need to do a research if Thai's imported product have a market and competition.

Talking about loss, my first concern is toward my social life. I am not actively sociable but at least i need a person which is close enough and have the same life view with me. Finding this person would be challenging since i am very picky with the person i can get close with. There is a barrier, language and culture that may limit our communication. Culture shock also could not be taken easily though however i found myself adaptable so it will gradually over. Any great solution is to find a friend abroad is by attending communities gathering, church, festival and short group trip would be good to know a new friend quick.

I think i will end the writing now since i need to prepare my meeting tomorrow so i make sure to keep myself fit and get enough sleep. I still not cover with escape from routine options and my future love life but i promise to finish it tomorrow. This is just what i see objectively based on my viewpoint so please let me know if there is any mistake or other suggestions. Good night.
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