Day Thirty Seven: My INFP Ideal Job

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Last night I was talking about my findings during my absence in two weeks. I talked much about personality and today I will discuss it deeper here so it could help me figure out the next step I will probably choose the path and hopefully it could resolve all the confusion from the beginning. I also read carefully the precaution of my personality through MBTI to take the result with open-minded because there is no guarantee the personality fit all to one person.

Some will ask why do I trust the test so much and this is just a test? Well, since my young age I always curious with myself and never felt satisfy to the result since it may appear different. However, the closest accuracy ever I took the test to understand my personality is MBTI so I have much confidence to trust the result and looking for the better outcome of what this personality may offer.

I could spend a day to discuss why I felt this and that but right now I am going to summarize the most important point that I found during my research, which helps me walk in my path. So here we go:

There is some career INFP might consider as it fits with their principles, yet there is no perfect career ever for INFP.

This is the answer whom I seek for my whole life and before I was come in denial, finding the perfect job I could be and excel in it but after time of realization which is totally different to my perception, as I tend to look at the job on the good part and when it comes to a bigger picture after my research, I got discouraged by it difficulties and challenges. This happens because of my idealistic mind thinking that everything is good but in reality is different right?. What I have been doing within the last month is taking all the possibilities of what my career choices fit my 4 points which are passion, talent, personality, and mission. The result is considerably same with MBTI as they also do a research from the people like me.

In the result, some of the career I might consider fall in the art, health, intrapersonal and writing category. For those three of them, I consider art as the best possibility among four disregards of the factor that I am not talented enough to make a sellable piece of art and this might lead me to the way of starving artist, whose living in their dream with an inability of artistic talent. I consult this to my good friend and her word has opened my mind toward art. She said that there is two kind of people in the art industry, those who able to create a great art indistinctively and those who enjoy the art and has the sense of artistic. Both fall into the category of artistic people and I am the second type of artistic people.

So, how the way I know if I fall into the second type? Well, I am attracted to art product and collect many of artistic pictures on the internet, I could easily distinguish the type of color and rich of knowledge about art. One thing that I don't have is I am not interested in a creation of art product and if I give it a try, the result always far from what I think it should be. I even don't have the artistic talent to make a good sketch. Same thing with a person who enjoy singing but has a limited vocal range. In the end, I would say goodbye to my art career but I still keep enjoying the art to make my life colorful and updated.

About health category, I ever consider walking in the path of naturopathy, a medication without surgery. This fall to my decision to study further in Holistic Nutrition which healing with sort of good food, positive thinking and a right type of exercise. Hopefully, I could take this course later once I was financially enough to life by myself. In health category, I felt personal fulfillment if I could help someone in need and what is more rewarding is to watch that person grow or get back to live. This underline the same reason of why I am study about yoga teacher training that I love to tell the right thing to do and watch my friend growing physically in yoga exercise. Still it comes to a consideration too, that I have a limited amount of social energy to spend within a larger group of people so I learn to spend it wisely.

I ever consider to taking the healthcare type of job but it comes with some restrictions, this INFP could not work overtime since they have limited energy to spend around people while working while they are best people to work in an intrapersonal type of job so my career place would be in a small clinic or working at home. The reason of it maybe we are not into working politic and want to be recognized too without getting too standout. It sounds strange but that's we are. About this type of job, I feel more confident for no reason and I felt that I have the power to make someone life better in my own way.

In writing, well I will be short in this category since it just newfound of my hobby and I am not surprised if sometimes I take a break from it because all depends on my mood. The good thing is writing help to release my stress and help me to keep on track with my life. I began to write after attending a preparation university seminary during my time accompany my sister. One of the spokespeople recommends a journaling method to help me discover the ideal career. Oh yeah, it also increases my vocabulary and writing skills too so I recommend writing is for everyone.

When it comes to my career, I never consider that writing can take me to the enough level of income so it is okay to write but I am not thinking to write as my main career right now, maybe in the future if someone interested to my write. My idea in writing mostly comes spontaneously, what is popped in my head is what I write here so forgive me if some of the writing are going zig-zag to my main discussion.

In the end, the personality itself takes me back to get a perfect career as the job I seek is not there. Everything looks perfect if I see it on an idealistic view and I know it is not always right. I try to be more realistic for the upcoming year and let's see what my life will take me. The good point right now is always keeping the positive mind, even the life plan is still unknown, but at least I know what is good for me.

Another point of view to help us picking the good choice of career is to think of the opposite, by making up a huge list of the job we will never do it so later it could leave some of the jobs which we can work on it. For example about myself, I hate repetitive job as there is no meaning in doing it, a job where we face competition, politic, title, all that temporary sense of gratitude, work as a big group, under a supervision and easy job which can be replaced by robots. So if I could list down my type of job, it will be going like this:

Healthcare specialist (personal health care, therapeutical, psychology)

Health (nutritionist, dietitian)

Creativity (writing, photographer)

Educational worker (teacher, motivator)

Entrepreneur in Health/ Spiritual/ Sport industries

Non-profit worker (any kind of member that relates to above)

The list will go further but I learn to decide and this is what I left and I have no guarantee that all of them lead to satisfaction due to my idealistic mind so my plan is to try it all as it could help me stabilize my work-life balance.

As there is no perfect job, it does not mean to stop an INFP to be accepted in society. We just have a different approach on how we could make this world be a better place and make people more humane. Every kind of job will do as long it has a purpose. Because what we seek in this world is not about the temporary state of belonging (title, possess, certification, recognition) but the personal happiness that comes from humanity improvement and personal development from our work.

For example, working in a corporate world will not suit us because we have no point in making much money if it just for ourselves. Same point to a clerical job we need to deal with routine. That is why the result of INFP type of career fall in the category of working on purpose. Sadly, most of this type of job generate small money so we need to take the job that we are not really like it in order to keep doing what we love.

I divide two life path for INFP, and those have its own reward and consequences. The first path is to work in a stable job while in the free time doing what we love. The second path is to work on what we love regardless how low we are getting paid or how scarce the opportunity is. I already in the position of the first path right now and I will stay there as we were warned to be a bit realistic. The first position also enables me to do what I love in my free time (yoga) and I think that I could take it.

Some of us also surprisingly well in the field of diplomatic and author, and in a niche field they could be a personal figure of human history. Being INFP does not mean that we will not become anything, we just have our own way to work. In the long run, I will plan nothing and embrace the life, I always believe that there is a place for someone who is kind, helpful and positive minded type of person.

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