There is ever a debate between what kind of music is the best for study, writing, working and any activity which require a person to stay concentrate doing his job. Others might suggest to no background music at all since music can cause distraction, especially if the person know well the lyric of the music. Which is counterproductive in this kind of activity, by slipping our focus into something differ which is interrupt our brain to stay focus on the job. It generally acceptable until you do a job that require an extensive time of focusing, long period of concentration and generating new ideas, that you will get bored with as time goes by, this quiet environment can make you end up in boredom and sleepiness. There is nothing wrong to have a quiet environment while doing your job but not every job effectively works in this method.
Is there any solution to solve this problem, in every kind of job that require concentration and focus without decreasing our force? No it is not, i will explain this later. By now I have all heard about the research of playlist that can be used as your playlist for doing this job. Most research recommend the usage of listening classical music may increase mental engagement and clarity. However, our brain also have limit so if your classical music felt not working anymore then it is advisable to have a break.
This sound generally acceptable and i ever heard a research about listening to classical music can improve your brain activity but this is not for everyone. Some people can't stand classical music and if they listen to this music, they just feel sleepy, especially when they picked a tune which is monotonic and boring. Well, relax and no need to worry since there is hope for this kind of people, which gain more energy if they listen to their favorite track with exception, no lyric on it since lyric is the major distraction on every music. Find your favorite song without vocal or instrumental only to help you focus on what you are doing without getting bored with classical music.
The good thing about listening to the music which can not be obtained from quiet environment is that a music will elevate your mood, reduce stress and motivate your brain to work longer. By given this advantage, selecting the right music should be extremely important. Different selection of music will affect oppositely, which lead to more stress and distraction to your work. So now i will giving some tips of how you pick your music.
Slow tempo
Slow tempo will keep your brain at pace, stay in your work and produce more ideas. There is a wide range of selection, starting from classical music, instrumental (saxophone or flute), ambient, and some lounge music in moderate tempo.
Peace music
Another option for the selection of music is from nature. Researcher found our brain works better if we spending some time listening to natural sound, a rainfall, a wave toasted, bonfire, it is not monotonous so it will not make you sleepy.
Low Volume
Make sure that the volume is not too loud. The louder it is, it will distraught you. Keep your music as your background so your work still be on the priority.
No Lyrics or Vocals
I have explain it before.
Using that four criteria will help you to build your own music. If you are stuck on idea and could not figure out what playlist you want to make, just take a look on this playlist for example. All of them exclusively chosen which met all those criteria. If you listen it very carefully, this music mostly played on a place that require concentration and focus most, for example: Library, bookstore, airport and yoga studio.
Hope you enjoy this playlist and have a nice time with your work. If you have any other playlist, just let me know, bye.
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