Day Eight: Local Personality with International Mindset

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Today i was very busy working with my job and not to mention, i did a research for immigration, study, work and settle in Canada. I gather all the information from this website, which i trust enough since the information circulate around the site is basically subjective since most of the site visitor and information giver were one interested with living in Canada. The forum has built by someone who is a Canadian legal agent which conducting immigration and settlement business for foreigner. It contains various information about Canada, and what i perceive from the site, the information was clear and not made up, nor exaggerated. I give a small preview about immigration process and suddenly i take new tabs a lot, maybe around 20 tabs at that time since i was hungrily seeking the truth of living in Canada.

After a certain articles, i felt that all of this information was written by an individual, who gain a commission once a person use his service. I am not skeptical with the information yet i still crave with unbiased opinion, from someone whom not related with Canadian government at all. Since i will work there and hopefully live in Canada, i need a trusted information based on someone who already work and live there. Luckily, if you see on the top of this website, there were a link which direct you to forum and once you click it, you will see a giant portal of foreigner, with the topic related with what i mention before.

I take a look deeper in the forum, to see if the forum are still active and some member contributing or not since the freshness of the information is necessary, a visa requirement for travelling to Canada in 2014 is not same as in 2016, it may cause misleading if the information already expired especially for working tax which change quickly between year. Anyway what i have found from this site is the last post is today, in different sections there were thousand reply thousand viewer, the name of the contributor were all different, give me an impression that this site is still active. The first article that i read is about minorities skeptical of getting a job in Canada, even they had already got a working visa through skilled worker entry. Such a demotivational article from the post and most of the replies in this site are also from different ethnical share the same experience with the first poster. There were seven pages from this site, one page full of two immigrants debating each other opinion (time to grab popcorn) and i wasted half hour on my time reading all those comments.

Another debating article from the article was the frustration of job finding in his expertise. This article is heavily on foreigner whom fall into the category of senior level in his past company, carrying bunch of credentials but what they got once they land in Canada is just a brainless job, working in restaurant or monotonous store clerk. This bring me another confusion about what happened in Canada, a country that in our perspective has own the benefits of every country envy about, free education in public school until college, free healthcare, retirement benefit and so on, not to mention with the most diverse race in the world, also has a hidden challenge.

As before, what do i afraid about Canada is getting there, to have some sort of exceptional skill to secure your work visa but now i am a bit scared about the job competition there since all the skilled and talented people move there to get a plate and preserve their sustainability. This is getting more interesting since most of the people don't know about this and i am truly thank you for the person who own and operate this forum. I dig deep down what is the main problem of them, is the economy crisis, racism towards applicant, corrupt government are the main source of why do they fail. I also read an article about a bitter experience of immigrant who before was held a nice position in his country, found that he could not get any kind of job until his account were forcing him to get any kind of job in order to survive. The ending was he fled back to his country once he got a one way ticket from his hard earned salary and leave the story bitter. I feel sorry to that guy.

So my eyes is a bit open here, that i need to be more realistic and lower down my expectation. This evidence based on true story since some replies also share the same experience makes me create a plan B: what would i do if i remain jobless for three months, do i fled back or find any kind of job to survive like others while finding the acceptable job which match with my skill? or as what i had think on the previous post, to bury my Canada dream deeply and continue to work here.

My research in this website got serious than ever, i almost skipped my dinner and yoga class to satisfy my curiosity however i am lucky enough since i have an appointment with my friend whose taking his first yoga class need me as acquaintance so i could stopped my research for a moment. During yoga class my mind distracted with this curiosity so today i do something different, no chat after class and dinner appointment since my friend want to continue with his workout. It was rain outside but i can't be stopped. I rushed through the rain and arrive home fast. I continue my research as my focus knocked in, my reading through article became faster and in a glance i know what post is telling the truth and what post is made with negative mindset. I try to connect the problems and here is what i found important to find a job here:

English Language in Canadian Standard

English, especially spoken English or French if you try to live in Quebec. What i learn from the site is not just a basic word of English; yes, no, eat, go. You need to be excel in English and from the various articles discussing about this, the Canadian standard of English by mean to fluently express your opinion, delivering a presentation, a clear instruction for managing worker, understand different meaning of expression and most importantly, your accent is prefer to be less of local accent, i am not against preserving your culture but this is more important for job interview. Immerse yourself with Canadian topics, if it is about political party to government regulation, national sport such as hockey or basketball, you need to keep your ear open with the information about Canada. If you want to live here, you need to be what it is like to be a Canadian. Some foreign guy got the job quick after having a chat with local in the club, and this require a dialog, while the content of the dialog must be connected with each other.

Cultural immersion with local community: Volunteer, Mentor, Network

Another major flaw from new immigrant come in Canada is they refuse to integrate with community. Instead of getting along with the local people, this guy just want to stay focused on his business and later on when he want to seek a help, he will try to find another local with the same ethnicity with him. Remember that Canada is multi-cultural country, famous for its diversity mean that this is the opportunity for you to blend with local community. Who knows some of them help or give you a job? and how do you reach people if you don't open up. Open yourself to the local society and offer them some help, if you have enough time you can do a voluntary job for those in need. Network yourself, that is the key to adapt in Canada.

You have to be Roman if you want to live in Rome

The government may give you a work permit to find a job here but to get a job that you want to do, it is not their job. It means that you are responsible for your job seeking, and finding the best formula which fit to your ideal. If you want to work as a electrician, attend a meeting of electrician engineer in the city which held annually, and once you got there get a nice conversation with people there, some of them are the employer and if you lucky enough they will give you the invitation for the job interview, also keep the relation that you got from there, be proactive and ask some information about it, where they mostly meet up, what is the effective way to be accepted in this field, study the tricks and keep practicing until you got there. You are Canadian and you need to follow their standard, no matter how high your experience is, if it does not matter or satisfy the employer, it means simply nothing.

Stay positive and ready to take risk

If you already did all of it and you still not getting a job, be patient and trust yourself. There would be a right moment for you. Always keep positive since it will make yourself strong in unemployment state. Positive is a state of mind, you are fully responsible for your own happiness so don't let others determine what is happiness for you. Keep yourself from negative people as they will turn down your hope while keep realistic with what you have. The last solution i found in this website is the willingness to take risk. Some job in Canada considered as a low demand but in a high supply, especially locals. You need to understand the basic game of economy, if you try to find job under this situation, most likely you will get beaten up unless you have something of what Canadian company needed and locals don't have, otherwise you will be no different with other competitor.

Have more than one plan

Your last resort, is your willingness to take risk, to start over new. Some company have a small requirement and job condition in a job that is most people less likely will take it. A lot of reason make this job less preferable; high level of danger, work at night to midnight, physical demanding and so on. To continue living in Canada you need to open your mind to ideas and possibilities. You can consider to work in high demand job even in the starting point, you can earn more since the candidate and competitor not much.

I think that is enough for today as i squeeze my brain much for today, i am so happy to keep my writing for eight day consecutively. I am hoping for the best in for 27th of Feb as the outcome will determine my first way to Canada. Thank you for reading and if you have an experience about Canada, please let me know so i could have some insight upon it, thank you.
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