So previously I promised to write the major I want to take and what happen to my job application. I have been carefully selecting the major starting from my heart decision, which leads to many jobs related with the social caregiver as a yoga teacher or physical therapy, holistic nutrition, and writing. Every of them sounds interesting and resonance strongly in my deepest heart but I should be realistic, do the job have a future prospect here, or in Canada and how about the competitive job market among the job, is the job consider as favorite job which oversupply in current job market and what is the reasoning behind them? to answer it, I do a certain research related to the major, which I choose by heart.
I learn from this experience that every decision should be based on strong logical point, not just what your heart deemed to be. That job seems perfect to become my career but I don't want to see the job will take me nowhere as entering the good company is becoming more challenging.
The job market in this decade known sucks for a creative artist or any job related to humanity as people getting colder and individualist. I am a bit sad to realize that since my specialty and passion are located in that field. May I satisfy my heart and soul but my physical being need to be filled to, I need a stable income to makes my physical condition well to other else if could affect my personal balance toward my life.
What i saw in current world progression is, their is an abundant supply of creative worker that are unemployed, making a movement to enterprise themselves. With given technology advancement, many of creative worker leave their underpaid current job and establish themselves to be proud of what they are passionate about. This condition leads to two different scenarios based on their capability in the perspective of creative worker and thinker in the current world.
The rule which applies from the world start stated that those who is able can survive and everything has it time, nothing forever. There are two types of this people from the creative industry to take an option, first they have given a chance to look at the different perspective of the new job market, becoming an entrepreneur to make a living and the other, stick to the conventional way of working in production house to secure their financial point.
Those who chose the first option has given limited time to change their perspective toward future prospect, they need to learn the different approach to get their own customer as they cannot rely anymore on their boss. Being responsible for their own life and much of people on this stage becoming a starving artist. They listen to their heart and taking all the consequences regarding their life. The question is why they become a starving artist if they can create magnificent art that can change the world perception toward old way? The reason is as stated below.
Any of you know the story of Van Gogh, a dutch artisan whom pioneer in his own style, got his art rejected many times and die miserably? Later his death, his picture becoming one of the most influential styles which underline the foundation of many modern arts. What is his mistake and why he turn to be famous right after his death? The answer is timing. In this world that never stop turning, everything can be changed and nothing forever so there is a strange phenomenon which can turn someone from nothing to something in one night from the perfect momentum, timing is everything. No matter how your invention is different and could change the game plan in the world if it comes in a wrong time, it just nothing.
Currently, what I have seen, everything changes really quickly and those who enjoyed the high position of the food chain got threatened, asking for justice from a small group of people who messed up with their sustainability. Public seen the advancement of technology as a good sign that makes our life simple and practical yet the giant corporation that is not ready or stays with their conventional way got a serious warning. It comes to the analogy of Nokia, a Swedish largest mobile phone market share in his golden age went bankrupt, because he resisted to the old tradition while all the public prefers larger size of the screen and less touch pad.
From the story, we learn that nothing can stop the progression of technology since we already entering a technology age while everything under automation and everything come in an instant. Only in this age that nothing can become something and the big thing can become nothing. The technology wrecked the barriers between distance, continents, and presence. The information was spread out more quickly than electronic media. In this era, everything becoming more transparent.
We learn that it already happen to us and what the best solution for us is to act, embrace the era of technology and keep our eyes open to the change. Have the right attitude and understand that the material belonging can't be kept forever, everything has it own time. Time to say goodbye to the old habit that we usually do in the previous five-year since next year, it will not work at all.
My personal opinion with current condition is since transformation happens everywhere, it touch entire aspect of our life, changing what they commonly hold, we need to be ready for it, learn how it can influence our life and if needed, change any old habit we usually do, it takes effort however if we change gradually, it does not really impact our being. Instead of getting threatened, we should be grateful of what it bring to us, always be responsible for the new thing and keep the fun side of learning.
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