I have free time in this night, nothing important to do so i want to make one hour of this free time a bit productive so i try to find an free e-book about yoga, since i had a conversation between my yoga teachers that before he teach yoga, he learn some skill that is not covered up in his teacher training nor his teacher taught in the internet so i browse the google and what i found about yoga, comes in different branch, starting from the challenging one; Ashtanga Yoga to the yoga for relaxation, Yoga Nidra. Today my search about yoga will be focusing more on the Sivananda Yoga, founded by Sivananda obviously. This branch of yoga comes from Hatha Yoga so expecting the exercise will be similar from Hatha.
In Sivananda Yoga, the level of difficulty consider as beginner though it can be increased through variation. The exercise is focused on the constant breathing in Asana and relaxation. The philosophies of Sivananda Yoga are summarized into five principles, starting from the Asana (exercise), Pranayama (breathing), Savasana (relaxation), Vegetarian (yogic diet) and Dhyana (positive thinking and meditation). With given principles, my subjective opinion this yoga type suitable for those who want to try the basic of yoga with given limited requirement and easy to follow for the pose.
The beginning of the exercise start from meditation phase, either from Savasana pose or seating position, Sukhasana. The preparation is essential to shift your mind from current routine, makes it focused to only what happened in your body, listening to your own heartbeat and focusing on breathing which can clarify your mind. After we done with preparation, the next step is about Pranayama which comes into Kapalbathi or Skull Brightener breath, starting from Oojayi inhale, then we contract our low belly, forcing out the breath in a short burst. the benefit of this technique to cleanse the respiratory system, lungs and sinuses and also help to prevent illness and allergies.
Right after pranayama exercise from Kapalbathi or alternate nostril breathing (which i will write about this later), our mind are ready and the body already got heathen up, so we will begin to start the Asana. In Sivananda Yoga, the beginning of the Asana were just same as Hatha yoga, starts with Surya Namaskara or Sun Salutation. Starting from the Sun Salutation A for two or more times depending on the instructor then continued to Sun Salutation B.
After Sun Salutation, here come the 12 Asanas, which makes the exercise differ with other yoga branch. The series below illustrate the twelve basic postures.
Kakasana/Crow Pada Hastasana Trikonasana/Triangle
Standing Forward Bend
Right after pranayama exercise from Kapalbathi or alternate nostril breathing (which i will write about this later), our mind are ready and the body already got heathen up, so we will begin to start the Asana. In Sivananda Yoga, the beginning of the Asana were just same as Hatha yoga, starts with Surya Namaskara or Sun Salutation. Starting from the Sun Salutation A for two or more times depending on the instructor then continued to Sun Salutation B.
After Sun Salutation, here come the 12 Asanas, which makes the exercise differ with other yoga branch. The series below illustrate the twelve basic postures.
Kakasana/Crow Pada Hastasana Trikonasana/Triangle
Standing Forward Bend
Image courtesy by: Sivanandayogavietnam (Link here)
One full class of Sivananda Yoga usually takes 90 minutes so before the class,
the practitioner need to prepare their body, not taking much food before two/ three hour of class and drink enough water during the practice considering the duration taken quite long for one class. If you want to try the class then my personal advice is find a qualified Sivananda Yoga class near your place so you can get the insight of the exercise from the experience and ask the question related to the teacher. Have a safe practice!
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