My insomnia went worse, it's been two weeks I go to sleep at 3 am. Seems like my body clock has to get used to my sleep habit and even worse, my mind is in the peak performance during midnight. I start getting sleepy on 2 am and it takes around one hour to fall asleep. My parent is getting worried since some time they woke up around 2 and found me awake.
I know this is not good for my body since this is the time for restoration but sadly I could not help it, I know what makes me fall asleep faster however it is not possible right now. I share my room with my sister and I am sensitive to light, any source of light, even it just a small flickering light from phone notification may distract my process to fall asleep.
I remembered the time I could fall asleep fast during my time, study abroad, I have my own room and I could design it anything I want, so later once I had much money I would like to stay alone in my private room. Another stuff to mention about my kind of room is, I would like to have a huge glass window with curtain, so in the morning, I could get energized from the sunlight coming from the window.
Okay back to my daily, so yesterday I had finished with my HTML basic and I planned to start to learn CSS for today but it fail and I am not surprised, my mood of learning web design just got depleted today, but I am not sad and forcing myself, which may lead to uneffective time using and frustration so why I am not giving myself a day? My progress in web design is at the right pace, and I just wish to find a community of newbie web designer, so we can learn together and share the techniques or even a gathering, I wish that.
From this experience, I can learn how to develop my skill in my own way. It seems that I have a similar interest in both yoga and web design, the time I devoted to working there is just much yet why my web design progress fail behind, just in one week? I am not joking here, you know how bad I am when learning some stuff, usually, I got instant motivation which only keeps me for a day. One week should be something different since I am very choosy on what subject I am going to learn.
My learning process come in this step, it should caught my interest to learn about it, and then I don't need to build my interest since it will attract naturally. Next, I will find any information relate and my day would be focused on the subject. In only one day, I already figured out the big picture and fantasize myself if I be expert on that field. This one should be important because from here I will decide if i want to proceed with the process of not. If yes, I make a plan to visit a library or google searching ton of article relate and then I build a plan (which 98% I never make it) and start passionately. Since I much focused on the first step, I could get burn out quickly.
If someone suggest me to break down the learning in small part, well I can't. Once my mind is heading in that direction, I will rush only to that direction, until the time of my energy empty. I am not surprised if I found myself work on half day to learn a thing. I have tried another learning style to break down your job but this one just went back fire since I have the very limited time of interest so before it expires, I should take as much as I can.
I study myself about my learning process and investigate the solution with different cases in the past since some subject I could learn continuously (yoga) and I figure out why. If I remember, not in one week I was passionate about yoga and there was a time I talked to a guy about some technique and he was so helpful to my pose progress. In about that week, later he introduced me to his community, which is filled with a person who was passionate about learning yoga. I felt such an acceptance in that group. All of them were friendly and do not hesitate to fix my posture problem. Acceptance is such a rare word in my dictionary and this experience makes my yoga journey beautiful.
In another month, I talk to the stranger beside my mat and our conversation went wonderful, later she introduces me to the best group I ever been, which I could devote myself to keep this group alive. Maybe I am a bit idealistic, nothing in this world will last forever but if I have the option to choose on which group I could stay for the rest of my life, then I would stick to this group.
This group consists around a dozen of an enthusiasticaly yogi, who have the heart to train and some are working on their teaching. One thing that makes me fit with this group is most of our conversation filled with such constructive and positive words. Any information shared freely and all of them, I know from their heart, would help if they are able to. I hope our togetherness could last long, I hope.
Back to the topic of my learning, this pleasant experience leads me to the secret of effective learning from a person who give up quickly. The keywords are; find a good community that can help you grow. Let others know your battle and always respect their opinion, they already spend their time and effort just to help you learn faster and avoiding mistake they ever made.
The rule has no exception, even you are independently strong, usually went single fighter in every problem, there is the time you need a helping hand to get you passing through. I could not imagine if I am not getting into the community, do I still actively learn yoga or not even I am passionate about it. The community keeps your knowledge deeper and opening your insight toward the related field, even when you are in the low season.
In the end of this post, I will write this for myself so once I forget the way to learn a thing, I could just read on this summary. You guys can implement it to your learning process too if you will. My learning process sounds differ since I am not gifted with persistence so I took a different approach to learning a thing.
1. Get you interested in. If not, just leave it. Don't waste time, time is precious.
2. Learn about it, find any information about it, get a big map about the process and imagine yourself doing and success in this field. Dream big!
3. Start as fast as you can, you don't know when your energy will last. Get stick to your first plan and if your body able, take two days plan in one day.
4. Your energy level should be diminished, don't let yourself fall because in about one or two days your study will be a history. Therefore, cut your study time because it not really works and you should be focusing on finding a good community.
5. Got your community and if you do not find the best one that is okay, at least, you have been in a place that has a people with the same interest. In this community, get in touch to other, I believe some of the member also have another group. Stay humble and always talk positive.
6. Once you get your community then somehow your learning journey would be less hard as you know where to find the answer and teaching other also good to retain your knowledge. Win-win solution!
7. I quite forget with this point and I am not talking about this. If you think you are enough with your work and it feels such a plateau, a state where you can't go further, find any event outside such as yoga festival and for web programming, hackathon. Go to any field-related convention, meet inspired people, find the different approach of learning from them, it just a same with your community, just a bit bigger.
8. Last, when you are in your low season, it is okay to stop for a while. Take a small look back on your progress and be proud of yourself. Acknowledge yourself, not every people can achieve this. Then it is better if you can promise yourself to help others. Remember, you were once are clueless in this field, make a good chain of assistance, make yourself memorable.
That is enough I think and I would like to thank myself because I just get the mood to write, although it was hard to start the first paragraph. Right now my yoga journey already on the eighth step and I feel this as the best method to learn in my pace, while my web design just stepped on the fourth step, hoping I could find a good community before it gone by the wind so
I hope my writing could be your inspiration and see you next time on my blog.
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