Day Thirty Four: Learning HTML First

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It's been a long time no writing since I began to learn how to make a website. Around 5 days I guess this blog has no presence to my new post. I really sorry and this is my bad since I was much focused on learning HTML, my interest to blogging has reduced much. Well, it takes a time to drive my will to write in this blog again since I should switch some time so I did not get burn-out by learning HTML.

I taking my first website design class off-line, by sign up my name to a free class in nearest to my house. It begins on Sunday morning, around 9am and I could not get enough sleep since I just slept on 4am on that day but my willingness to learn is undoubtedly good so I pushed myself to attend the class, also given the fact that it only last three hours.

My personal experience touching HTML is like a 5-year-old kid trying his first bicycle, full of curiosity. I met others participant, he was self-working as freelancer manager, taking up many web designer and programmer to work under his table yet he still want to learn about coding, bravo to him by the way!.  We began to create a folder naming by our own name and in it first we create a folder for sample picture, and then another folder for .html and .css type file.

We went to the first lesson, introducing of website interface and .html structure. It starts with <html> and end with </html>, I learned that "</>" is called a tag and there were around 200 tags in HTML as a component of a website. For today class, 70% of the topic will be focused on the HTML and the rest is about CSS. That two programs serve the foundation to make a simple website. HTML works as the structure while CSS works as the design.

I learn quite a lot for one day, how to write a title in head tags, the differences of coding language between HTML and CSS, the list which is unordered list that we use the combination with CSS to make the list horizontally, to insert image and link, the differences between margin and padding as they were similar in function, and at last the footer.

All the experience is a kickstart for me to learning the web stuff and since last three days I was busy with learning HTML from this website, I recommend this website as the information there given for free and great explanation from the experts. If I could break down what I learned for the day since I missing writing here, in my first day of learning I try getting myself used writing codes in HTML, the way I did it same as common people learning, by doing a rework of example and try to modify the property and value, see if it could work and I believe the best way to learn a thing is by doing it.

More specifically, by given an order this is what I learned already:

The structure of .html, separated by two basic elements, heading and body.

Writing a paragraph and a heading. Linking them with .css to modify the style.

What can be put in heading besides <title>, such as meta tags and "style-type".

The differences in writing on .html and .css, there were slight differences in definition "="
with ":" and "<>" with "{}".

The Block line element and Inline element differences, the dependency between them and how they affect.

The type of Block line element such as paragraph, heading, blockquote (q) and lists; and the type of Inline element such as bold/strong, em/italic, superscript/subscript, strikethrough(s/del), underline(u/ins).

How the list works and their variation; unorder, order, and the definition list. Also to change the property of list: I/i/a/1.

The concept of Selector, Property, and Value in Tags

Link the text or image to the image folder or specific target by using anchor tags and the knowledge of hypertext references in linking Value. Also, link the page to another page by using "#"

Basic table making, table, table row, table data.

Making a form using .html, form type: name, password, radio (with checked), square and submit. Also, make a comment box and selector with given option box.

The definition of <div> and <span> and how they simplify and clarify the works by doing div "id" or span "class" to form an internal link between page.

The meta tags function and how to use it properly (meta name, charset, and http-equiv).

I think that is enough for three days effective learning and in my spare time, I manage to collect the information about being a graphic designer since my true calling project in design will start in May. I read this article and I think that is enough for three days effective learning and in my spare time, I manage to collect the information about being a graphic designer since my true calling project in design will start in May. I read this article and believe to myself that I could finish this for half year.

Tomorrow is my big day, my first yoga teacher training will start in tomorrow so I should go to bed earlier for today. I hope I grow every day, and see you on my next post.

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