Mindset is everything

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Hasil gambar untuk happiness

Yes, at the end of May, I still not getting any job, I have done several company to do interview and some of them has the positive outcome that is passed to the next stage and I didn't think that the job seeking is very fascinating, as before I feared this much, meeting with other candidates, talked to the interviewer, work with test and discussion. I even set the job seeking as the top priority, and my yoga classes to be second. Its weird right? suddenly I feel in love with the job seeking process and if there is an interview tomorrow, I could not wait to be there. I could say that beating the interviewer questions is such an accomplishment for me.

Back at my first job interview, the process was easy as the company is my dad's friend, so no challenge there, I just met my dad's friend and have a talk for an hour, later he put me to the finance division. It was no challenge at all since I know the end result, and I don't need to be prepared.

But this time, different. As I have a clear sight in my mindset, after getting knock by the top cigarettes company, I sworn I should work with them, and be one of them. Work in reputable company, as I will proudly introduced myself to my friends about my new company, is known as qualified for the best candidates. I want to know how far I could be.

My schedule compared to last month is same, polished my interview skills, and attending job fair. Day by day, my confidence boast up as I know how to appear professional during interview, the tricks, and the courtesy before and after doing an interview. There was a job fair in one good university, as they are looking for journalist and the selection process was creative, the candidates need to be in stage, pretending as they are reporting to the media. I am up to that challenge and present myself confidently, I never felt myself can be this confident.

Until this time, I have done more than 5 interviews and all of them I refuse to sign to the end process. First of all, if you are the interviewer/ human resource guy, please forgive me to taking your time. Now back to the answer, you know why ? Because I don't want to be employed with them. I set my standard high, but I also put my CV to the small and medium company, as an exercise. The more acceptance email/ letter, the more confidence I will get. I believe the real interview process has ten times value compared to the interview preparation.

Before I doing interview, I always come up with this mindset, you have nothing to lose, you failed, you will learn but if you passed, you can take this as accomplishment. The other mentality that keep myself confidence; you are getting called, there is no turn back, so it's time to give it all. Third, success is success, even you failed thousand times before. With this mentality, I can easily push myself to the limit, without having a hard feeling.

Next post would be the job searching tips with detailed information.
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