I was planned to do a yoga photo shoot and yoga video for my professional website. I already think about this 2 months ago and the problem is i don't know where to start and i just find the information piece by piece so it leads me to nowhere but frustration. Now this idea popped again and i know what to do now, by breakdown the production and start listing from the most important. To making an outstanding production of photo shoot and video, i need to start with a concept.
Concept means to what target do i make this video, is it an tutorial, instruction, promotion or just having fun with transition? everything should be clear in order to construct the idea of it. After know what is my concept, i should know what content should be in the video, how many detail of hand transition, face close up, transition and where do i take the inspiration from? from the inspiration, study how they shoot the video and how they put the sequence in the line.
Detail of the content, list all of the specific Asanas that want to be appear on the video, in how many second the video appear, the music being used, either use microphone for instruction video or background music (licensed), how long the duration, the brightness condition, the harmony between the vinyasa and the background music if possible that this technique require advanced video editor, the person in the video, the cloth match with the environment, shooting angle during transition, the lightning used in the video (either use a natural light from window which require the shot in the morning or from other source of light), the place as i know outdoor in the morning consider the best to shot yoga video, or other static place with no people at all, in the temple, near the river, on the cliff, do the imagination on how you do Asana in that place.
The team or single fighter, who shoot the video and direct the movement, in this section i call it the talent. This step is important since it makes the shot more varies and has different combination from different perspective. Imagine if you only shot video from the camera hold by tripod, then the viewpoint is static, only on one view point. If you only have one option to shoot by yourself, no need to worry since you can make the good video too. If this is your choice then the most important point is getting the right angle, show the surrounding perfectly from photography perspective with you in the video.
Last step, the tool for recording the video, do we need to use tripod or drone, all of it depend on the budget. Not to mention about the special effect which require special equipment but for my project i will not use that except i have a close friend with lightning or stage specialist. The next tools is the editing video program, do you need and have the ability to run a complex video editing software or not since to learn again requires time and effort and if you short of time you will got frustrated.
All the point that i mention is just the basic to record a good yoga video, even it possible to record your video from your phone, i recommended to find a static object to avoid the shakyness during recording. The easy way to make a video is by study the video maker sneak peek and learn how do they shot the video.
So here is the example of my project next month and hope i could finish and published in this blog:
Concept: Having fun with Asanas. The outcome for viewer (yoga teacher and practitioner) is to give them an idea about the new transition
Content: Example: Ashtanga Advanced flow, variation from HS to A, i will go deeper and make the timeline of the video. I will use instrument as background music, the duration around 2 to 3 minutes, enough light as long as the model is not covered in shadow, if possible i will match the move with BGM, i can slow or speed the pace of video in particular sequence, the uniform of the model can be half naked with short or training pants, i will find a good place (you know my country is too crowded and a bit hard to find an empty building or place)
I will try to shoot single so if my project is successful, i could find another talent to do the next project. In the next yoga article i will write down my detailed content and the time i will shot the video. Wish the best for my project, thanks.
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