One hour left in this Cafe to write since I will have a yoga class at 6. I forget to cover what do I do in the Tuesday yet yesterday as what I promised in the previous post so to make it simple, I will describe it in one word, I am busy searching the article about writing career. Since three days ago, I enjoyed my time writing articles either in this blog or leaving a comment on social media. It seems that writing has taken my life and if this what my heart decide me to move, then I will go through it.
It comes in two reasons of why I decide this as one of the strong candidates to my further career. First, I recap what am I enjoy doing the specific activity for a long time, especially if I ignoring others plan just because I am in doing that activity and it comes to writing or any physical activities such as football. The second reason is I feel no pressure of doing it, whether I got paid or not does not matter much since this makes me feel better. I feel myself in content after I could put my effort in this activity as this activity stimulates my thinking and creativity.
I decide to spend a little time to do a research of what it takes to be a good writer, and do this career can be lucrative to pay my bill in the future?. The research shows that people take this job as a freelance, or a second job to increase their gain from the first job. Some who are dedicated make this as their main job fall into two different category. A starving artist whom later become a well-known author by given a slight chance of probability or those who follow the direction of job market demand to be a copywriter or content writer.
Those who work in the first category are true writer by heart, whose able to stand alone whether the public does not look upon them and keep writing since writing is their true calling, most people who dedicate themselves to write work on self-publication and able to withstand full day of writing, a typical fiction/ non-fiction writer.
Second category offer job progression faster since company website needs a professional writer to publish an informative yet attractive article to attract the viewer. In the world of digital technology, a conventional newspaper has almost been abandoned by people and what I heard from one article state that the people access news from their smartphone, and the number of declining demand of newspaper may possibly eliminate it from the existence of public.
In the last three days, I do a deeper comparison between creative writing, content writing and copywriting. All of them has their own unique characteristics and it own difficulties, different career paths and progression, the university program for the major. I like to start with the university programs, since this major fall in two category, literature, and media and communication.
Creative writing
Don't be fooled by its name. It does not relate to what you thinking of creative and I also got fooled too for the first time I hear that this major related with media, design, creativity based since it is not. This major focused greatly on how you articulate your ideas to writing, planning for a book-scale of a story, how to play with the emotions and psychological trick to amaze the reader. In a nutshell, this major is for those who dedicated their life to write.
Content writing
Content writing gained their popularity since the age of technology comes, by producing a good quality of information in a short article. There are infinite possibilities of topics depending on writer strength and preferences. Currently, food, travel, and specific product ranked highest on the job demand. The name of major just corrects with the field of study, to teach us how to write effectively in limited space (500 words) with informative quality that pamper the reader. Their main objection is to draw the attention of viewer into the reader, keeping them in the website by providing an informative article, and turning them from visitor into daily reader.
In a business perspective, if content writing is the quality of a product, then copywriter is the marketing of a product. Copywriter has a strategy using the selection of titles, bring the curiosity, and hide the true intention of marketized article. For those who unexperienced will see the article as normal however it full of marketing promotion, and an experienced copywriter can make it smooth. The purpose of a copywriter is to increase the traffic of a blog or website, by using word strategy or SEO techniques.
The combination of content writing and copywriting is the perfect synergy to attract the viewer and turning them to their subscriber.
There is one last category that I had not mentioned below since this require specific background of skill, which is a technical writer. Every major field who enjoy writing can be a technical writer, it just require less effort of how to simplify the specific verb used in scientific information to make the reader easy to understand. However, by given the total effort, technical writer require most effort among other since the writer need to exactly understand the field he wants to write on.
In career, most of the writer work as freelance but not all. Some of them consider writing as their side job especially for the content writer works to satisfy their crave to put their art into writing. The good point about this path is less pressure in life responsibility since you still have another source of income. The writing level for a content writer is moderately easy, since most of the writer whom took this path has has the knowledge to create a decent writing for example, a programmer mostly write about computer related article however the level may differ if the writer should write the article which considerably uncommon.
The job prospective is good but in career path, somehow the position can be replaceable since what writers need to have is the skill to articulate his thought into writing and his strength in specific field so often a company just picking one of their coworker to write article although the content may be not as good as a professional content writer.
Copywriter gain its fame and the demand of qualified copywriter is big, at least in one company should have one guy who is able to operate company website, company social media and company marketing content. As what i say, copywriter is the frontdesk fighter in getting new visitor in the internet. The optimization of search engine may rise the company website to first page, make it visible and easily discovered by searcher. The skill required to be a copywriter is not just the ability to write, but also how to create interesting title and content, having a good sense of keyword, fair enough to understand how website and search engine works. I consider my further career to be a copywriter though i am not really into marketing.
At last, creative writing has the highest difficulty in my respect. The margin of successful creative writer is big, the process of enduring many rejection from the publisher, the pressure in your head keep thinking can you make a living, and many sacrifice i could mention as time for family and friend. For those who walk on this road, i salute you and keep your passion up.
So here i am, in the edge of nowhere again with different intersection. I feel lost again, but i know by heart that i am going in the right way, i can feel that my first destination will appear. I know i wander much in this life and i have been through the tough times. I made a mistake in the past and i am fully awake right now, to discover what is be my "true calling".
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