Day Seventeen: Personal Dillema

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I woke up late since the air conditioner still broken, yesterday i have contacted to technician that i know and none of them are able to fix and some not responding. It is on weekend and most of them are out of service so i have no idea but clean it by myself. The main problem is dust, all components covered by dust resulting water leak from the inside. I clean what i can, just the filter since other component you need vacuum cleaner to suck the dust and I don't have that tools. After cleaning, the air conditioner can work just for one hour before it went leaking again. I talked to my dad about this and i will call the technician on Monday morning.

My morning schedule got messed up, i can't sleep in this condition so i wake up every hour. Today my plan is to check potential company that i want to move for, from the internet. I skipped the writing for two days since i put all my focus on the job searching. From the experience, even i got almost two year working experience, getting into top local companies or MNC is not easy, i don't get any notification and this is the third day i checking my email. I hope some of them start contact and interview me, i almost lost hope with this.

The total company i had applied still in a small number, 9 applications. My friend who just graduated this year got three calls after throw around 70 CV in the internet, and some of them considered as a scam company. There is a company recruiting potential employee to be sales in their product. Most of small scale business of multi level marketing do this to innocent job seeker. Their real intention is to get the connection of the job seeker relative. If you become a sales, the first client is supposed to be your closest one, your parents or friends. The training that you got also focused on prospective buyer who is your relative rather than product knowledge itself. It is easy to spot this company, even some can deceive us by offering promising title, that also lead only to product sales.

Back to my job searching, i continue to search a company with a good reputation and long career prospective, i start looking for MNC, even it is harder to get inside, the experience would be worthwhile to try. I am start comparing by giving three different scenario of my life, starting from the current situation, jump to bigger company, and starting over to Canada when i touch 30, which is 5 year from now.

Scenario 1:
Stay as Finance Staff with minimum wage, 450 CAD and no future prospect. The good thing about staying in this company is because you can have any other job that pays you another income or taking a certification in different subjects. I can be a freelance writer with 100 CAD income per month since i only write two or three articles per day and i can take freelance yoga teaching, imagine that 3 times per week got me 100 CAD so i could get around 1000 CAD in total per month, with low expenses. At this rate, i could invest in studio flat which cost 30.000 CAD. This plan sounds easy and doable, that i could start with this plan by next year.

Scenario 2:
Move to bigger company with career path, and start from 400 CAD, this number would be incremental and after 5 year growing with this company, most of manager got 1200 CAD with regular working hour. This plan is what i consider and take a challenge since i could get into good company.

Scenario 3:
Starting over in Canada, work with the lowest wage possible 11 CAD per hour for 160 hours per month. At this survival time, I need to push my effort by get into society and know how "thing" work here. Doing client building and getting into good friend so i could land a better job. One could get 30 to 50 CAD per hour doing office work. This plan is full of uncertainty yet costing initial cost on working Visa and air ticket, but among all, this plan generate the highest income in the long run.

All of them has their own way, by given the difficulty and the long run, what ideal for me the most is moving to Canada. I know life will getting to hard and i will get even more, since i already got used with the relaxed working culture here but the good thing is i am willing to take the challenge, consider myself that i am still young and fail is acceptable on this period.

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