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Hasil gambar untuk aim
So be it. I only have less than a month left to work here, before I am going to be totally unemployed. With the list I've been writing so far, combined with the expected workplace I dreamed for, I am ready to move on.

Day I spent in the office has changed, no more watching Youtube channel or e-news update, playing games on the phone but focused on the job searching. This time, I know the specification company I will be looking for. It should be well known, or at least some people know the name publicly, the job offers rotation for certain time, and most importantly, lot of challenges.

At the first week, I began to throw my CV through online and read job interview tricks, since I should know the update in the job test. I could say everyday I threw 5 to 10 CV through online channel. I make it personalized since it automatically enhance my professional writing skills and I believe there is different appreciation from the company if the letter was made personalized, depending on the job I prefer.

In the job seeking, I use three different way to put my CV and I could say this is the most effective yet efficient way to do it: First, through online job portal, search the dedicated one, as you can see the company listing is well known, or infamous. Filter down to arrange your working experience and job you want. Second, top level companies never show up on the job portal since we are the one who need them. The best place to find them is through their web portal, to get information of their activity, what is the career fair they will be (university or convention center), and the intake schedule. Next step I will see the selection process and absorb the information so when the information is sufficient, I hunt them in job fair. Job fair is taking much time, and energy as well since you will spend time in transportation, and also many people there. The best thing in job fair is the company delegates sometimes show up and you could have a kick start interview with them. Fair enough right?

The last thing is to bombard them through company email, and this is the only method I use, if the company is big, but has little to none online presence in search of new worker. I have experienced some companies offering the job by fill in your application through their website. To save time, I put the questions of my application and put it into one template, so any question I just need to do copy and paste.

There is many method you can try, as pay a head hunter to search a job for you or by leaving your CV through university website, since it has a slight chance for a company to look into your CV. But for me, three strategies is enough as I received at least one follow up letter in a week. I put extra effort for preparation as I aimed for the good company, the application process is also different from the normal company, for example presentation using Chinese language or focus group discussion.

I think that's enough for today and in the next post, I will post my first time experience attending the job interview in the one of the best tobacco company in the world, which left many impressions for me and such an encouraging experience to work in top level. See you.
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